“I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” this quotation from "Anne of Green Gables seemed like the perfect opening line as I sit here musing about Autumn and October for the 9th year of writing this blog. The week began with the most perfect Autumn days, the kind that leave you with that chilly, fresh, energised feeling that I've only experienced before after emerging from a perfect swim in cold water... or a certain kind of bubbling, chemical induced excitement which I'll pretend I've only read about. The air feels and smells different and it's quieter here now that the summer is over; it's a golden time before the winter begins. I've been taking stock, looking back at previous Octobers and thinking about the future.
The week was especially special because I had a pretty magical day out with my son. Normally whenever Jake visits me here in the Lakes it's raining but this time it was warm and fizzy with light and colour. We drove over to Ullswater and Aira Force which I'd never seen before; it was beautiful - beams of sunlight through amber ale coloured pools, diamond droplets caught on moss and shifting rainbows hovering above the falls. There were also lots of acorns which I find it hard to resist childishly stuffing my pockets with when I'm out walking, but Jake told me I had to leave them for the squirrels (who were sensibly hiding from the tourists).
Ae well as wandering about constantly marvelling at the wonder of this place I've found myself living in I've been busy preparing work for a couple of really lovely galleries and their winter exhibitions. A set of cyanotypes with embroidered details- including this owl- went of to Emporium Gallery in Lichfield last week and tomorrow I'm off to the big city of Lancaster to deliver work to Arteria for their Hygge exhibition. As my three month stint as guest artist at Cherrydidi in Keswick comes to an end I'm hoping to fill the gaps by really concentrating on my online shops which now include Artfinder for framed and mounted originals.
Now, the cat is beaming messages at me about something ( probably biscuits) and Rupert has suggested I meet him from his cycle ride at Crummock Water with the wetsuits so I'll reluctantly leave you for now (and next time I'll let you know whether swimming in a northern lake after sunset in October was a good idea... it doesn't feel tempting from my cozy velvet cushioned nest just now). x
Listening to : Actually I couldn't listen in case I got cross but I sent an e-mail which was read out on this radio programme about evictions. I also listened ( and danced about) live to the Carl Cox session from the closing event at Space which felt odd , alone in my house but connected by the magic of internet!