Posts tagged Expressive writing

Day Five is Blue Monday, so because I've been awake since 4am and have absolutely no idea what to write, here is a row of blue and white lanterns in the low winter light.
I'd tried listening to a podcast (Fortunately with Jane Garvey and Fi Glover) to help me go back to sleep but bits of it were so funny that it woke me up even more with giggling and by 7am I'd given up and was eating toast in my polar bear suit, cuddling a hot water bottle. By 10 I was a zombie and fell into such a deep well of sleep that I could barely string a sentence together when the man from Citizen's Advice called and dragged me back up to the surface. He was helpful, and made me half wish I'd succeeded at my Sociology/Law degree back in the 80's so I could have been useful too (I kept falling asleep then too). Anyway, now I have Hot Telephone Ear Syndrome from all the stressful conversations (this is a real condition that can only be cured with tea and Garibaldi biscuits apparently) but at least things seem a little more under control (touch wood).

I walked a little too and dabbled about with some paint; even though I don't like them and feel like a clot for even sharing them or writing this sleep deprived ramble in a public space I know that it's been good exercise to do it. For the first time in ages I've set an intention and stuck to it, even though it's felt like the world is collapsing. There is study by Ewa Kacewicz, Richard B. Slatcher, and James W. Pennebaker that promotes the idea of "Expressive Writing" as an alternative to other traditional therapies and ways of dealing with trauma, "When people transform their feelings and thoughts about emotional experiences into language, their physical and mental health often improves."
But don't worry, there are just two days left of this week long waffle, after which normal intermittent service will resume. Hopefully tomorrow will start at a sensible time with cooler ears and happier conversations. I think there may be treehouses in tomorrows post...