Last week I decided to believe in magic again; after being reminded about the strange story of the sketchbook that foretold my future . It all seems so unlikely - a Dorian Gray kind of spell - except instead of getting eternal youth (sadly) the picture seemed to have been an oracle leading me on a journey far removed from my own chosen direction and wishes at the time.
So now I'm looking for small everyday magic and finding it as I walk ; from the friendly face I spotted in the tree this evening, to the hare gently loping along the path in front of me, before slipping into the long grass and invisibility. I've been inspired by some of the people I've "met" on Instagram such as Milla, "The Woman who Married a Bear", to rekindle an interest in plants and herbs; mixing a potion that works wonders on tired fellwandery feet and, who knows, maybe if I fill a sketchbook with my hopes and dreams they might come true someday (better practise drawing pretty houses with vegetable gardens and swimming ponds...and some kind of representation of world peace of course.) Meanwhile I continue to dawdle on my walks, saying the names out loud - Tormentil, Bog Asphodel, Silverweed and Usnea; and tonight, purple-ing my fingers with surprise bilberries up by the reservoir; where I wasn't brave enough to swim alone. It was the first time I'd walked alone for a while (feeling fat and sluggish after being left in charge of my poor self control and one of Rupert's coffee cakes while he camps out on soaking wet islands, inspiring groups of NCS students) and I thought, or resolved perhaps, to do it more often. To lose myself in thought and daydreams...
As well as all that wandering about with my head in the clouds or my nose in a bilberry bush, I'm getting organised for Art in the Pen Thirsk, which is in just two weeks time. I hope I can fit everything in the car and even more, I hope it all sells so I can buy the materials needed for Art in the Pen Skipton the following month, as well as some more exhibitions I'm sending work to. It's been a bit of a flurry of activity the last few weeks with some very happy days in Sam Read Booksellers preventing me from becoming a total hermit and work delivered to three lovely galleries for summer exhibitions ( The Witham, Byard Art and Obsidian Art)
As usual I've left this writing until late and all the stories wanted to tell you will have to wait because none of us has the attention span we once did and I need to soak my midge bitten body in some cool water before bed and book time. Remind me to tell you about the evil grey squirrel who scampered below the lazy cat, snoozing on a bench and absolutely didn't give a damn about the danger ( the squirrel warden has been notified) ; or how I let myself down in Loughrigg by wallowing in the waterlilies when my prescription goggles steamed up.
Reading: Letters From Klara by Tove Jansson and "Waterlog" Roger Deakin Listening To: White Horses by Jakie Lee (this has been on the radio lately as the theme to Eddie Izzard's autobiography and I remember loving the series when I was small- which makes me almost as old as these hills)