Beginnings and Endings.

In October I approved the final edits to the Search Press book and now have to wait until May 2024 to see whether all that hard work has paid off! It’s exciting to see that the book is already on several websites as a Pre- Order, including at Sam Read’s in Grasmere where I’ve worked a few days a week since 2017.
Search Press have a link to flip though a few pages here.
I recently read a Substack post by writer, and friend of the bookshop, Katie Hale which explained the importance of Pre-orders to writers, bookshops, publishers and of course readers who can send a gift to their future selves!
The making of this book has been such a long, all consuming, often stressful and financially difficult process that the gap between completion and publication is actually very welcome - hopefully I will see it with fresh eyes in May 2024!
Meanwhile, having moved house AND studio in the past 3 months I’m trying to settle into my new nest, wondering what comes next and trying to enjoy a period of contemplation and search for direction without too much panic and self doubt!